Thursday, March 31, 2011

03/22/2011 Scout's Initial Vet Visit - Scout's condition is given a cause

I took Scout to the vet's office as soon as he came to live with me.  The vet we choose was an orthopaedic surgeon.  We did not know, but were given 'pelvis broken' on his records. Someone had written this into his record book to make it look like Scout could not walk well because his pelvis had been broken.

The vet listened to Scout's symtom's and felt around his pelvis area.  His pelvis seemed to be in alignment. His symtoms actually matched a motor skill defect more than a skeletel issue.  The vet had a suspicion of the neurological function being at fault due to a birth defect.

The vet ran all the tests on Scout, then took xrays and there it was..a gap in the bones between the base of the skull and spine.  It seems the atlas and the disc's of the neck need to be fused to try and correct Scout's problem with walking and motor skills.

The estimate to do this surgery was 4000. to 5000.00.  The vet being a orthopaedic surgeon could not even do the surgery, he would have to refer Scout to a Neurological Surgeon.  

At that point, all I could do is take Scout home and promise him I would make sure he got the surgery he needed. Unfortunately, I don't have the money needed for a neuro surgery like that for Scout. I do know, somehow, someway, we will get him the surgery needed.

Scout is 2yrs 4mo old. He has lived his entire life so far in pain. He gets into a seizure like fit and starts shaking his head, tearing at his mouth, and forcefully rubbing his jaws on the floor.  All the while he is whining and crying from the pain. He will be sound asleep and suddenly kick his legs out which results in him throwing himself backwards. He was in constant frustration when he first came to live with me. 

The vet prescribed him Metacam to give him once per day. This is not the way he is in pain.  He usually has an attaack in the morning and then again in at night around 11pm.  When I first got him he would wake up almost every night at 2am in frustration and pain. 

My major concern for Scout is to first get him out of pain. I don't know if there is anything slow release for pain for dogs, but I will find out. The next step is to get a commited estimate from a Neurosurgeon Vet.  We have an appointment setup for this Friday to get another estimate.

I have been looking at several different sites for funding, grants, and possible pro bono surgeries from vets. There are a few sites that I will be able to apply for grants for Scout, so I don't feel completely out on the streets yet.  They are very reputable places that will fund people who do not have the funds to pay for their pet surgeries.  I am beginning to feel better for Scout!

His appointment is set for this Friday and we will have a new written estimate and hopefully an amount to begin our applying for funding.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Scout Can Teach Us a Lesson

My first look at this beautiful little guy, I knew he was so special. Somehow I just knew Scout had a lot to show and teach me. I couldn't wait to meet him, I had heard so much about him. He was being delivered to me by Sue, a volunteer who drove up to meet me. Sues' mother rode along with her and cradled Scout in her arms the whole way, wrapped snugly in his red blanket.

One look into Scout's big brown eyes and I knew, Scout had something to say to me and all who would listen. On the outside, and wrapped in a blanket, Scout could be any little Yorkie. Until you put him down on his feet to walk you don't realize the challenges he's lived with his entire life.

But I am getting ahead in Scouts' story..we need to go back to his beginning.

Scout originally was a Puppy Mill puppy. He was bred by a puppy mill breeder in Baltic, OH. Why is the town and State so important to this story? It is so important for people to know...Baltic, OH is home to the Farmersmarket Barn Auction. This is a Puppy Mill Auction that holds auctions for Puppies from Puppy Mills several times yearly.

This is the place where the Millers' get paid for the suffering they put their dogs through to produce their cash crop. Crate after crate of puppies line the aisles, and back areas of this 'barn' auction. This is also a place to get rid of any 'mistakes' they had in breeding. Those dogs are generally penned together as the 'trash' dogs and are sold for a dollar or included in 'lots' to make the deal sweeter for the buyer.

These auction are purely for the Millers. The general public is not invited to these auctions. In fact, you are searched at the gate to make sure you are not carrying a camera or video camera. They do not want anything being publicized from the auction.

Scout was purchased by a Puppy broker. A Puppy broker normally sells their dogs online to unsuspecting people who do not know how the Puppy Mills operate. The puppies are bought at auction. Then transported to the buyers' site to be sold online. All you will ever see is the cute little cuddly puppy you see advertised online. You will not see the suffering, neglect, horrible conditions, their parents live in day in and day out.

There are very few Puppy Millers who keep the kind of lineages needed to insure proper breeding of these dogs. What happens frequently is family dogs are kept in the same cages and such as mothers and sons and they end up breeding together to produce offspring. A minor oversight to the breeder. A major medical problem for the dog and you.

It's a good arrangement for people looking to make money on the suffering of so many dogs being held in Puppy Mills. The Puppy broker who purchased Scout, paid for him and then advertised this cute little puppy for sale on their website. Checking the website that sold Scout to his new owner, they deny any connection with Puppy Mills. They guarantee their puppies free of any congenital defects. They actually guarantee their customers so can you go wrong purchasing a cute little puppy from this great group of people who only buy their puppies from reputable breeders? Indeed...

The owner took Scout to the vet when he was 14wks old. The reason why, I can not find out due to the records not being available to me. I would have to have owner approval to open the records and get any previous medical information for Scout. It would be invaluable information to know what indicators the new owner had about any medical issues at that time. It would show how soon his symptoms started showing.

Scout was born on 11/6/2008. In October of 2010, there was an ad on Craig's List for 'Free to Good Home' and Scout was posted on the site for anyone to just come and pick up. The owner no longer wanted to keep him. Just 2mo prior I can see in his vet paperwork, he had acquired another dog puppy. I believe Scout's owner found out about Scouts' medical condition, his prognosis, and his care. The owner did not want to care for Scout on this level of care and decided to give him away rather than keep him and care for him.

One of our FOHA rescue volunteers saw him on Craig's list as an owner surrender and she did go and pick Scout up from the owner. There is no looking back for our Scout now...

I would like everyone who reads Scout's story to please listen to the message contained in his story. Never purchase a puppy from an online retailer of puppies. There is a 95% chance you are buying a Pupppy Mill dog.
The online retailer will make themselves seem like they have the rolling hills of green, green grass and a perfect country breeding atmosphere, when all along...the truth is the puppies were born into a cesspool of squalor and hopelessness for the parents.

Most pet stores have had to stop buying from Puppy Mills due to the people learning about Puppy Mills. What most people don't know is how those same puppies are now being sold online.. Please tell everyone you know...Do not buy online. Adopt your next puppy or dog from a rescue. There are so many dogs and puppies being euthanized due to no where to go...there will never be a shortage of dogs to adopt. You can find dogs of Pure Breed of almost any breed by just contacting the breed rescue of the type dog you are looking for.
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