Tuesday, April 19, 2011

FOHA - Friends of Homeless Animals, INC of RI Fundraiser for Scout

I would like to announce the great Fundraising event by FOHA, Friends of Homeless Animals, INC of RI.  Annie Dufour is the coordinator and always puts in 150% to anything she does with the rescue.  She has formulated this very important fundraiser for Scout to help raise funds for his surgery.  To date we are well on our way with almost 1/3 of the estimated funds being donated!

I cannot say enough about FOHA and what it means to myself and Scout.  I have been a foster mom for about 2yrs now with FOHA.  I originally looked to them as a rescue I wanted to belong to because their main rescue dog was Boston Terriers.  I have always wanted one of these fabulous dogs!  I took care of one in FL and always vowed I would have one..

That is what attracted me but what made my mind up is what I found out about the group.  In todays' world you cannot always take anything at face value.  I decided to find out more about this organization.  I did searches on Google and found some very good recommendations from adopters and volunteers alike.  One of the most prominent praises was how efficient this group worked together on a volunteer basis only.  Please note, there are no 'paid' workers at FOHA.  Everyone is a volunteer.

The slogan is, 'Rescuing Small Dogs with Big Hearts' and we do!  Boston Terriers are not the only breed we rescue.  Lately there have been quite a few of those little chee - chee's or chihuahua's coming through our rescue due to the overwhelming breeding of them in CA.  

Scout was a rescue from FOHA.  I fell in love and that was that.  Now all the fosters and volunteers who know his story are following along with us on this journey.  It is really heart warming to have so many involved in this little dog's life.  With so much going on in the world today and so many take the time to stop and remember Scout.

Back to the fundraiser!

Dear dog lover,
While supplies last, Friends of Homeless Animals will mail a Boston Terrier Tote Bag (straightstitch.net) to anyone who donates $15 or more. Also, your name will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a Boyd's crystal glass Boston Terrier's head (winner will be draw on 5/6).
Proceeds will go toward paying for Scout's vet care. Scout, a 2-year-old, 8 pound Yorkshire Terrier was bought online from a puppy mill by someone who then offered him for free on Craigslist. At the time of his rescue, he was kept in a cage and was in a terrible shape and in constant pain. Scout has a birth defect (a gap between the base of his skull and spine) resulting in motor skills problems. He has a hard time walking and playing with his mates, even though he loves it. The best we can do right now is keep Scout on pain and anti-inflammatory medicine. To become a normal little dog, Scout needs expensive surgery. To see pictures and videos of Scout, lease follow his blog at http://friendsofscout.blogspot.com.
If you would like to contribute to Scout recovery, please donate through paypal.com (please let us know your donation is for Scout): https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=AGGGSGMY52VKS or directly on Scout's blog: http://friendsofscout.blogspot.com
Or by check: Doris Baker, 1129 Pebble Beach LN, Unit 12, Marathon, FL 33050
Thanks for your support! We couldn't save special dogs such as Scout without you!

To help support the fight against Puppy Mills that are producing and selling dogs like Scout to unsuspecting buyers, please join the Facebook group:

Ohio Voters Against Puppy Mills and Dog Auctions

You do not have to live in Ohio to help.  Mary Shaver is the one who does most of the posting of events and rallies.  She works tirelessly to stop this horrible, senseless and greedy method of producing dogs.  Even if you don't live in Ohio, there are petitions to sign, sometimes it is really good to wake up local officials when they see their issues are not only on a local scale but being read by thousands around the US who are signing petitions against them.

You would be amazed how much one person can do to help stop the cruelty.  Please join today and learn as much as you can and spread the word about Puppy MIlls to everyone you know... 

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Scout's Second Vet Visit for Opinion and Neurosurgeon Referral

Scout is now a patient of Dr Smith at Riverside Veterinary Hospital in Boscawen, NH.  I chose this Vet because Riverside is a large chain and has numerous vets across the U.S.  They also have onboard, Neurosurgeons.  Not at this location, but at others, not too far from NH.

Dr Smith confirmed Dr Herrmann's original findings of the base of the skull and spinal gap in his neck creating neuro issues for Scout.  He has very little motor skills in his back legs and cannot hold up his head.  He also cannot tell when his feet flip over to tops, he does not try to correct, he continues walking until he falls.  Dr Smith put Scout through some tests in motor skills. Her comments were, 'He did not win the genetics lottery!'  My sentiments exactly.  For on top of the neuro issues, he may have patella issues in one  leg.

Scout has better response on the left side of his body.  Which actually is good.  It shows there maybe a little connection with the nerves.  Dr Smith pointed out that while this condition is rare, it is not as rare for the breed.  Another reason that points us back to 'bad breeding' by the Puppy Mill.  Both parents had a bad gene that pointed to this birth defect.  The parents may have come from the same litter, or linage.  Scout really does make a wonderful poster dog for the dangers of BUYING PUPPIES ONLINE.  There is legislation underway now in the State of Ohio to ban online retailers.  More about that later...

Scout was given another medicine to take in addition to his Metacam daily.  He was prescribed Metacam by Dr Herrmann but being given once a day did not seem to help little Scout as much as something he could take that would have a longer lasting effect.  I spoke to Dr Smith about how Scout's pain came in bouts during the day.  On a good day, he usually woke up with whining  due to pain, by the end of the day, he would go into a very large pain bout..whining, rubbing his snout on the rug, clawing at his mouth, biting his feet, etc.  The Metacam did not have a long lasting effect for him and it was very frustrating for me to have pain relief but not able to give it to him because of possible kidney damage.

Dr Smith started Scout on Tramadol.  Tramadol is used in patients with Neuropathic pain.  It changes the patients perception of pain.  It is a narcotic pain reliever and I will have to monitor Scout closely but his quality of life has again improved so much!  No longer am I waiting for the pain bout when he just can't stand the level of pain.  Tramadol was prescribed to him for 3x daily, but I am only giving it now as needed..he is only taking 2x daily and seems to be doing very well at that dosage.  If  he gets to where he needs more, we can always increase.  I am a fan of  'less is better'!

Scout is being referred to a Neurosurgeon for a more complete idea of what we can expect for him and surgery.  I also received the very best information ever during his visit!  Scout has gained 2oz!  This may not seem like a lot to some, but for a little guy who did not lose or gain weight for 6mo, it is a major advancement and one in the right direction!   I have been trying to get him to gain weight.  This small baby step is exactly what is needed.  He cannot gain too much, his legs are not ready, but just enough to give him a good body weight to help him to be healthy.  He only weighed in at 8.3oz...he is rather boney under all the long fur.  His backbone is very prominent and his hips are sharp.  He needs to be right at around 9lbs to give him good weight.

Scout also had his distemper booster and a blood panel completed.  The blood panel is so very needed to establish a baseline for him.  As of this date, we did not have any medical knowledge of any other diseases he might suffer...

One step closer to surgery!

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