Sunday, May 1, 2011

Vet records, xrays and referral in hand...

I've received the reports from both vets who have seen Scout now.. Dr Herrmann took the xrays on my first visit to him.  I received his report in the mail, along with the report written by him.  I have also requested a referral from Scout's new vet here in town, Dr Smith.  She has referred him to the Maine Vetrinary Referral Center, Specialty and Emergency Hospital.  They specialize in neurosurgery for dogs.

Both vets here conclude it is a congenital birth defect.  The hardest part for me is to find out, it can be life threatening and a sudden death in severe cases.  I am so glad, Scout is as young as he is and full of energy.  I do keep a continuous watch on him to make sure he does not jump down from anywhere and is not underfoot to the larger dogs.

We will be calling the Maine Hospital sometime this week to make an appointment for Scout.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers that he has a good diagnosis for recovery..

Scout is in fantastic spirits lately with the warm weather...he loves to be outside, he loves to run away from you.  If he could run, he would be a runner, no doubt about it.  This little guy is all over the front yard.  I have to watch him like a hawk!  It seems he can be in one place one moment and across the yard in a split second!  He's very good though...he won't come back if I just call him..If I reach him, and tell him to come back, he immediately turns around and comes back to his area!

He is stronger everyday and it seems like he has finally gotten to his ideal weight.  He does not feel like skin and bone.  I would be willing to bet he is at least 9lbs now.  He is ideal and now I will have the problem to keep him from gaining more weight...he cannot get any heavier to make it harder for him to walk.

I would like to thank all the people who do keep up with Scout's progression.  You are an amazing group of people.  I'm sure if Scout could talk, he would be able to tell us how much he feels the Love from all of you!

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